Location Based Services Enabler
Berg Insight forecasts the location-based services market to be worth 2 billion euros by 2009 in Europe alone. PROTEI LBSE will let you stake your share of this growing world market quickly and economically.
PROTEI LBSE (Location Based Services Enabler) allows a subscriber’s location to be determined down to an accuracy of 150 meters. Operators and content providers can use information from PROTEI LBSE to provide a wide range of location-based services.
Information, navigation and tracking services can all be provided with the help of PROTEI LBSE.
- Wide range of potential services
- Convenient interface for content providers
- Economical LBS solution
- Accuracy up to 150 meters
- Simple implementation
more features 
PROTEI LBSE works with a wide range of standard base stations and terminal equipment.
Differentiate from your competitors by providing unique and useful LB services.