Call Center
PROTEI Call Center is an immensely scalable, cost effective solution that is perfect for companies of any size and with any volume of inbound or outbound calls. Our system is used in countless applications from small customer service installations to commercial outsourcing operations and the emergency services.
New generation technologies, VoIP and WEB, are widely used in PROTEI Call Center. The system supports an unlimited number of agent groups and service access numbers, with the capacity to support any number of services in one system.
Remote agent support (via the Internet) makes telecommuting a reality, offering significant potential for office overhead reductions.
Instead of waiting on hold for an agent, customers can request a callback by specifying their number to the IVR or by sending it in an email, SMS or USSD query. The system automatically calls when an agent becomes available.
PROTEI Call Center:
- High performance
- Remote operator support
- Reduces call queuing time
- Meets emergency services standards
- VoIP
- Easily scalable
- Proven reliability
- Call Back function
more features 
Cut down on abandoned calls with PROTEI Call Center’s ‘Call Back’ feature.
Tried and trusted by the emergency services, PROTEI Call Center guarantees peace of mind.